Date Thu, Apr 11, 2024


The importance of learning English in the UAE increases with the increase in technological development. English is the language of international business and the basis of the global communication context, in many fields of science, technology and tourism, especially since the UAE receives many tourists of different nationalities. Therefore, workers in these sectors need to master the English language so that they can communicate with tourists easily. In addition to the role of the English language in the public and private sectors, it has become the official working language in many companies. Therefore, learning the English language has become an indispensable necessity for those who want to keep pace with this openness and great development and interact with the outside world, and succeed in various fields.

How important is learning English in the UAE?

Many people ask what is the importance of learning English in the Emirates?

To know the importance of learning English in the Emirates, you should read these reasons:

  • English helps you communicate better with your colleagues : One of the most important aspects of learning English in the UAE is the context of global communication, with colleagues of different nationalities who speak English as a common language between you. Knowing what they are saying and being able to respond to them helps you interact with them properly, and not understanding what they are saying may put you at risk in your job.
  • Access to prestigious jobs : One of the most important things about learning English in the UAE is getting to know new people who will help you reach prestigious positions with high salaries. English communication skills develop your relationships and attract employers to you.
  •       Ability to give presentations in English: The importance of learning English in the UAE is that it enables you to give presentations for your work in English if there is any colleague or manager who does not speak your native language. English at this time helps you to speak it, translate your ideas and explain them appropriately so that all those present can understand you and respond to you.
  •       Good impression: Another important thing about learning English in the UAE is having a good impression of yourself. When you speak in a disciplined manner in front of any of the employees responsible for hiring in English, this gives a good impression of you. If you are unable to speak English, this may prevent you from being hired, because the English language is the basis for many jobs in the UAE .
  •       Increased job opportunities and travel abroad: We find that the importance of learning English in the Emirates appears in helping you achieve your dream of working in well-known international companies or traveling abroad, because learning English is the basic factor for traveling anywhere, because this language is a bridge of communication between many peoples, and you cannot travel to a foreign country without understanding what people are saying in it because you will expose yourself to embarrassing situations unnecessarily.
  • Expressing yourself: One of the most important things about learning English in the UAE is that it helps you express yourself and speak fluently in English. English has become one of the most important survival strategies in our competitive world. It is a language that helps you improve your job opportunities and reach the largest number of international companies. Mastering the English language is the basis for your success anywhere.
  • Access to information on the Internet: One of the most important aspects of learning English in the UAE is the ease of opening websites and accessing, reading, and benefiting from educational, cultural, and literary resources in the English language.
  • Getting to know different cultures: Learning English in the UAE increases the importance of understanding and knowing many different cultures, customs and traditions of many peoples around the world.
  • Studying advanced specializations: For students, the importance of working in the English language is evident in their ability to study advanced specializations in international universities around the world with ease and flexibility.

The role of schools and educational institutions in learning English

The United Arab Emirates has decided to move forward with rapid steps to develop the method of education and teaching, especially in the field of the English language , because the importance of learning the English language in the Emirates is very great and has a vital role in public life and the professional future. Therefore, the Emirates is working to make comprehensive and radical changes to advance educational paths and apply all modern educational methods that are in line with the national visions for sustainable education, by exploiting modern technology and technological development in teaching methods using the Internet, educational applications and educational games as well to improve students' skills and raise their level, because the importance of learning the English language in the Emirates has no limits in our time and learning English in an innovative and effective scientific method will make the generation proud of its national identity and adhere to its country and its role in teaching it what it needs in the best possible ways.

Steps to learn English in simple ways

As we mentioned, the importance of learning English in the Emirates is great and effective, so there are some steps that help you learn English in the Emirates in an interesting way, which are:

  • Memorize English expressions and terms and avoid memorizing single words.
  • Beginners should not delve too deeply into studying grammar and sentence structures, lest they become frustrated from the beginning.
  • Make sure to use the dictionary regularly to find out any word you are looking for or find it difficult to understand its meaning, in addition to knowing similar words and benefiting from them as well, as this will clearly increase your linguistic knowledge.
  • The use of entertainment means is evident in the importance of learning English in the Emirates, where one can benefit from simple TV programs, competitions, or video games that use the English language.
  • Communicating with native speakers and practicing the language with them will greatly improve your speaking skills.
  • Continuity, learning a language means continuity and commitment in order to find a satisfactory result.
  • Repeatedly listening to conversations in English even if you don't understand everything they say.
  • Record yourself. When listening to educational videos in English, try to repeat what you hear and then try to record yourself to find out your mistakes and evaluate your level.
  • Focus on the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, because establishing the skills in a strong way and focusing on them together makes you speak English like a native speaker. and learn English

One of the evidences of modern technological development is the platform, which is the first virtual school to offer online training courses for anyone who wants to learn English remotely through individual courses that operate throughout the day, whether you choose to receive educational courses in the morning or evening. In appreciation of the importance of learning English in the Emirates, the platform offers us a group of teachers with extensive experience specializing in teaching English in the Emirates.

Among the courses offered by the platform for teaching English:

Contents of private English lessons with also offers private lessons for students to help them learn English from the first grade level to the twelfth grade level, along with preparation courses for English language tests for university admission:

These private lessons help them to:

  • Developing students' four main English language skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Training students to learn English vocabulary.
  • Training students to apply English grammar rules using innovative and modern scientific methods.
  • Training students in the skills of interaction and communication with others in the context of global communication.
  • The platform also provides courses that help students pass the famous language tests, whether TOEFL or IELTS .

The platform appreciates the importance of learning English in the Emirates, so it employs foreign and Arab teachers who can deal with students’ levels, whatever they may be. Their learning methods differ in all classes and all educational levels, from the first level to the twelfth level, to reach the best possible result in mastering the English language and improving students’ language skills.

There is no doubt that everyone knows the importance of learning English in the Emirates. The English language now indicates the extent of the country’s development and progress, in all fields, whether economic, commercial or educational. The English language opens up many opportunities for young people to obtain prestigious jobs with high salaries, and it also helps them travel and study in international universities. It is truly a very important language and we can say that it is the language of the future and has an effective role in advancing your career.

Now the path to learning English has become paved for anyone who wants to take it, and there are many educational sources between websites, educational applications, and training courses, so do not hesitate to enter this field as it is an essential language and deserves to be an official language in many institutions.

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